Then we got our kit out.
Of course once it was out everyone had to touch everything and loose half the stuff. So once I found almost everything again, they decided they were hungry.
And for once they weren't fighting!
But what is lunch without playing with your food?
Then of course they decided to get the little color tablets out and put them on the table... And of course, them being them, they had 150 glasses half full of water sitting around the house. And since half of those were on the table one of them was sure to be tipped over. Once the tablets were drowning there was no saving them. Sorry, I didn't get pictures. But I did announce on facebook that I was cancelling Easter. Then when I wasn't so mad anymore I realized that my 4 year old was actually the only one that DID mind me and hadn't been touching it. So I made some color for the eggs out of food coloring.
We didn't color eggs last year and she didn't remember doing it when she was 2 so she had a lot of fun.
And of course like always, she freaks out when I get the camera out. "Don't take my picture!"
(ignore her shirt, laundry day lol)
So after a lot of mess we finally have our colored eggs.
Very beautiful of course! As I was cleaning up I noticed that I was having a hard time washing the stuff off my hands. I finally gave up and decided that going to work with colorful hands wasn't too bad.
It could have been worse. I did finally get the glitter off. And yes, I have a mole on my hand. More proof that I'm weird.
So Easter was saved and the kids got to find their eggs. My 4 year old is convinced that all rabbits are named "Easter" now, and it is her new favorite animals. My 8 year old tried to tell her that I was the Easter bunny and she just laughed and said "but mom isn't a rabbit!"
She's right though, I'm not. And they can't wait until next year to do it all over again.