There are so many reasons why I would much rather put my kids in private school than public... but I can't and probably won't ever be able to afford a private school.
There are so many bad things that kids bring home from school, colds, germs, attitudes, bad words. I would rather have all of those before I got the worst one of all. Head lice. Ew. But just my luck, instead of a cold or a flu we've been dealing with head lice this week. And so many things just piss me off about it. (For the record I know my kids could have gotten it anywhere but the most likely place IS school since I don't let them try anything on in the stores for this exact reason.)
Luckily it has only been my older two daughters that had a bad outbreak. But because of it my middle and youngest daughter had to get hair cuts. I couldn't get the comb through their hair. I almost cried when my youngest daughter's hair was cut. It was finally getting long enough to put into nice braids. She had never had a major hair cut like that. I almost cried. She was so happy though. The smile on her face was the only thing that kept the tears from spilling over. She loves it. My middle daughter has always cut her hair herself so she could have short hair. Her hair was finally past her shoulders and now it is up to her ears. She loves it too.
It has been a nightmare, and expensive. The first round I spent $150 on treatments for everyone. The first round didn't kill them all so we did another round. Still live bugs everywhere. I was so grossed out, and there were so many I couldn't just pick them all off. I talked to one of the pharmacists I work with about how frequent I can treat them. He said that I could do it daily but if the next round didn't get rid of them then I would have to call the dr for a prescription that is stronger. So the last time I tried a natural treatment called lice free. It is gel stuff you put on your head with a cap for an hour. It killed them ALL! And it was almost half the price.
I think what upsets me the most about this whole ordeal is the fact that the school is hush hush. They don't have the nurses come and check other kids, they don't send out letters telling parents that there was a classmate that has lice. They claim it is for privacy issues. I told them I don't give a damn about privacy, I want the other parents notified! Nope, they just don't do it. They would rather have it spread around than to actually do something. And what really sucks is that the majority of the children come from low income families, most of whom would have to borrow money to be able to treat for lice. So my mom went ahead and told the teachers about it (she was the one that dropped them off at school when the bugs were gone) and told them that we didn't mind if they put it in the weekly newsletter, or even just a note about remembering to check for lice. My girls told their best friends about it and told them that they should have their parents check to make sure they don't have bugs because they're always hugging.
So now the only toys the kids have are the things that could be washed, and there's a ton of bags of laundry that needs to be washed. On top of it all, I hurt my foot when I was doing some aerobics last week and it is getting worse so I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to go to the doctor about it. I just hope it keeps getting better because I don't want to go!
This past week has been a nightmare and I would much rather be out with the flu than picking bugs off my girls and chopping off their hair.
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